Rohnert Park Fishing Derby

Note: The Fishing Derby is organized by volunteers and supported by generous businesses and individuals in the area.


We stock Bluegill every year in Roberts Lake and they can be caught year around.






    Size: Mostly 5 to 8 inches, rarely over 10.

Where Found: Bluegills are common in ponds, lakes, and reservoirs across most of the US and into southern Canada. They favor shoreline areas with weeds and sunken cover, particularly in spring.

The bluegill is the most widespread and popular of the many species of sunfish. They readily bite small artificial lures and livebaits. Large bluegills are a challenge for any angler to find and catch.


If you catch a fish at Roberts Lake, take a picture of it and send it to us at with your fishing story and we will post it on our web site here





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